Overseas/Mainland Market Development Support Scheme (MDSS) Sign-up Form

Important Notes

  1. This application form (“Form”) is used for enrolment to the Overseas/ Mainland Market Development Support Scheme (“Scheme”). Please read the Guide and Notes for Applicants (the “Guide”) carefully before completing this Form.
  2. Please ensure all requisite supporting documents that are submitted are in order. Otherwise, Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited (“HKCMCL”, “we”, “us”, “our”) will not further process the enrolment application.
  3. HKCMCL has the sole discretion not to accept such application that is deemed not appropriate for enrolment.
  4. This Form is divided into the following sections:
    • Company Information, Market Expansion Plan: current status & upcoming expansion plan, a three-months’ market development activities plan
    • Public funding on overseas programme/ mainland expansion status, other funding on overseas programme/ mainland promotion status
    • Company ownership structure, company core members’ profile
    • Contact details
    • Agreement
    • Declaration
    • Personal information collection statement
    • Probity policy
please read and accepted these Important Notes and the Guide and Notes for Applicants


* Must be filled in Doc Ref: ECO.SF.010, Rev. 7 (Effective date: 16 Apr 2024)

Part A: Company information

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Part B : Market Expansion Plan

1. Current status & upcoming expansion plan

Hong Kong

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2. Three-months’ Market Development Activities Plan (Separate sheets can be used if necessary)

Sample Plan (URL https://istartup.hk/docs/AnnualPlan_reference_sample.pdf)

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3. Public Funding on Overseas Programme/Mainland expansion status:

Dedicated Fund on Branding, Upgrading and Domestic Scales (BUD)

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SME Marketing fund

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4. Other Funding on Overseas Programme/Mainland Promotion Status:
(List out in detail (i) all grants and funding received/to be received from other publicly and / or privately funded organisations/ programmes and other sources of sponsorship / donation which the applicant (or companies established by he/she/it) has applied for, will receive or will be entitled to receive in the coming 18 months, or have received in the past 18 months; (ii) the nature of expenditure covered/to be covered by such funding sources; and (iii) the amount and the maximum amount received/to be received under such funding sources ) (Separate sheets can be used if necessary)

Maximum upload file limit is 5MB; Supported file formats : doc, docx, , pdf, xls, xlsx, txt, ppt, pptx
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Part C : Contact Details

 Contact Person 1 (Principal Applicant)

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 Contact Person 2

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Please enter Your Email
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*Please submit this completed application form by pressing the "Submit Form" button at the top or bottom of this form. Incomplete applications will not be considered


Part D : Agreement

  • Dispensation of the MDSS Financial Assistance. Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited (“HKCMCL”) agrees to offer to the Applicant financial assistance supplied under the MDSS subject to a maximum amount of HK$200,000 (the “Financial Assistance”), on and subject to the Guides and Notes for MDSS and the terms and conditions of this Agreement, for the purposes and uses as described.
  • Assumption of Risks. The Applicant acknowledges and accepts that HKCMCL shall have no responsibility for the delegation missions and/or marketing exhibitions not organised or provided by HKCMCL in connection therewith. The Applicant understands that his or her or its involvement in the delegation missions and/or marketing exhibitions may involve risks and the Applicant agrees that he or she or it understands any and all such risks and further agrees that the Applicant knowingly and fully assumes all such risks. 
  • Right of Publicity. THE APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND AGREES THAT RECEIVING THE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE MAY RESULT IN PUBLICITY. The Applicant hereby irrevocably authorises, and undertakes to procure its founders, officers, representatives and employees to authorise, HKCMCL, through MDSS, to:

a. Reasonably publicize and use the likenesses, voices, and features of the Applicant, its founders, officers, representatives and employees, with or without their names, for any publication, promotion, trade, business use, or any other purpose whatsoever;

b. Photograph, videotape, film, and record the Applicant, its founders, officers, representatives and employees in any reasonable manner HKCMCL/MDSS chooses;

c. Copyright, convey, or otherwise distribute, now or in the future, any such promotional material involving the Applicant for any reasonable purpose whatsoever to anyone, including the general public, magazines, newspapers, television, radio stations,
HKCMCL/MDSS’s web sites or anyone else; and/or

d. Publicize, now or in the future, the name of the Applicant, its founders, officers, representatives and employees, individually or together, including information and non- confidential details regarding them, provided that any disclosure of personal data of individuals shall be in accordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance and in a reasonable manner.

The Applicant hereby releases HKCMCL/MDSS and their officers, directors, agents, employees and representatives, from all liability, damages, or claims of any kind resulting in or from, or arising from the use, distribution, or disclosure of any photographs, films, videotapes, electronic recording, or other information regarding the Applicant as described in this Clause.

  • Acknowledgement and the Applicant’s Publicity Materials. The Applicant agrees to:

a. Give appropriate credit to HKCMCL/MDSS for the Financial Assistance in any and all of its public communications and publicity materials including, but not limited to, press releases, publications, annual reports, video credits and interviews; and

b. To use all its reasonable efforts to notify the HKCMCL/MDSS prior to releasing any public communications and publicity materials contemplated.

  • Termination. HKCMCL may at any time terminate all or any part of the funding support by giving written notice to the Applicant with immediate effect and shall have the right to claim for repayment of the disbursed funding in full or in part together with all administrative, legal and other costs incurred and interest accrued up to the date of repayment from the Applicant on the occurrence of any of the following events:
    • HKCMCL has any reasonable ground to believe that the Applicant has provided to HKCMCL any materially misleading or inaccurate information during the application or the carry out of the Market Development Activity or any subsequent supporting document is found to be incorrect or incomplete to the extent that HKCMCL considers to be significant;
    • The Applicant has acted dishonestly or negligently at any time during or before the application or the implementation of the Market Development Activity and such act(s) is in any way to the detriment of HKCMCL or its reputation;
    • The Applicant has engaged or is engaging in acts or activities that are likely to constitute or cause the occurrence of offences endangering national security or which would otherwise be contrary to the interest of national security;
    • the continued engagement of the Applicant or the continued performance of the relevant funding arrangements is contrary to the interest of national security; or
    • HKCMCL reasonably believes that any of the events mentioned above is about to occur.

Part E: Declaration

  • We have made true, full and accurate disclosure of our proposed or similar projects where we have participated in other publicly and/or privately funded programmes - see the sheet attached - as required under the Guides and Notes. For all payment to government/ public bodies which may entitle tax/ expense refund/ rebate in some countries, we shall inform Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited (“HKCMCL”) immediately if such refund/ rebate is available. We acknowledge that such refund/ rebate amount is/ will not be covered in the reimbursement claim.
  • We did not receive equal or more than US$10 million of funding.
  • We and our key personnel undertake to notify HKCMCL of any future conviction of any criminal offence or misconduct locally or overseas as soon as practicable. 
  • We are not the organiser/ co-organiser/ service provider or a related company of the organiser/ co-organiser/ service provider of the market development activity and the related services covered by this application.
  • We give our consent to HKCMCL staff (a) to use the information (including personal data, if any) provided in this form or in connection with this application; and (b) to carry out necessary due diligence/reference checks, for the purpose of assessing and processing this application. We further agree to provide all other information reasonably requested by HKCMCL for such purpose.
  • All information provided in this application as well as the accompanying information reflects the status of affairs as at the date of submission. We shall inform the Administration of the HKCMCL MDSS immediately if there are any subsequent changes to the above information. We understand inaccurate and incomplete information may affect the processing of the application by HKCMCL. Any misrepresentation or omission of information may lead to rejection of the application and/or full recovery by HKCMCL of any funding support which has been awarded. We understand it is an offence in law to obtain property/pecuniary advantage by deception or assisting persons to obtain property/pecuniary advantage. Any person who does so may be liable to legal proceedings.
  • We are the creators of our proposed project the details of which have been described in this Form ("Project") and our Project is original. To the best of our knowledge, the Project and the product(s) and/or service(s) to be developed as a part of the Project are not under development or available anywhere in the world.
  • The development, completion and use of the Project and the product(s) and/or service(s) to be developed as a part of the Project will not infringe the rights or intellectual property rights of any other party (whether registered or not), including but not limited to patent rights, trademark rights, and copyright.
  • We understand and agree the Probity Policy stated in Part G.
  • Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Application Form, we understand HKCMCL reserves the right to disqualify or reject an Applicant on the grounds that the Applicant has engaged, is engaging, or is reasonably believed to have engaged or be engaging in acts or activities that are likely to cause or constitute the occurrence of offences endangering national security or otherwise the exclusion is necessary in the interest of national security, or is necessary to protect the public interest of Hong Kong, public morals, public order or public safety.

Part F: Personal Information Collection Statement

Please see our Personal Information Collection Statement at https://www.cyberport.hk/en/pics for our general policy and practices in respect of our collection and use of personal data.


Reply Slip / Data Collection Form

I have read the Personal Information Collection Statement of Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited ("HKCMCL") 香港數碼港管理有限公司, including the information about the use of my personal data in direct marketing, and I understand its contents. By ticking the box below, I signify my consent for HKCMCL to use my personal data (primarily my name and contact details) in direct marketing services, products, facilities, activities and other subjects to me (primarily services, products, facilities, activities, events and subjects offered in relation to HKCMCL or Cyberport or partners of Cyberport or shops or merchants in Cyberport or offered or hosted at Cyberport) as more particularly set out in the Personal Information Collection Statement.




Part G: Probity Policy

 To ensure openness, fairness and integrity of the Scheme, each applicant should:-

  • Observe the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance (Cap. 201 of the Laws of Hong Kong) and shall advise its employees, agents, subcontractors and other personnel who are in any way involved in its applications/project (the “Personnel”) that they shall observe the same and that they are not allowed to offer to or solicit or accept from any person any advantages as defined in the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance in relation to the application/project;
  • When doing business overseas and/or set up legal entities in foreign locations to support local operations, all applicants are required to comply with anti-bribery laws and regulations in other jurisdictions when conducting business there or where applicable.
  • Not offer or give or agree to give any person employed by Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited (“HKCMCL”), the members of the Vetting Team or acting on its behalf, any gift or consideration of any kind as an inducement or reward for doing or forbearing to do or for having done or forborne to do any act in relation to the Overseas/Mainland Market Development Support Scheme (“MDSS”) or for showing or forbearing to show favour or disfavour to any person in relation to the MDSS;
  • Promptly declare and notify HKCMCL in writing of any potential or actual conflict of interests upon becoming aware of the same. “Conflict of Interests” shall include (but are not limited to) any situation where the private interest of an applicant or its Personnel, conflict or compete, or may be expected to conflict or compete, with the role, duties and/or impartiality of such applicant or Personnel under the MDSS (e.g., any relative of any directors and/ or employees working in HKCMCL);
  • Apply the funding prudently, efficiently and solely for the purpose of the project approved under the MDSS;
  • Abide by the principles of openness, fairness and competitiveness in the procurement of any goods/services in connection with the MDSS; and
  • Take all necessary measures (including by way of a code of conduct or contractual provisions) to ensure that its Personnel are aware of and comply with the requirements set out in this Policy.



Other required documents:  [Choose File] (upload online)

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About iStartup

iStartup@HK, a one-stop platform run by Cyberport, is designed to connect tech start-ups to investors and users seeking innovative solutions. Through this virtual-pitching channel, tech companies can showcase their profile and products to attract funding and expand their business footprint.

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