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Neuropix Smart Medical Neurotechnology for Brain Diseases

Business Details
Technology Sector
Nature Of Business
Business Model

The Neuropix revenue model includes two avenues: a) device purchase and b) device rental (minimum 12 months rental). The prices vary between different brain disease treatments.

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Target Customer groups
Biotechnology, Medical & Healthcare

Neuropix brings disruptive medical technology innovatively connected to digital healthcare solutions for treating major brain diseases, in a new generation of neurotechnology set to change healthcare.

Using clinical neuromodulation, our European CE approved medical devices are wearable, non-surgical applications for treating brain disorders including depression (the world-leading disease burden by 2030, WHO), migraine and epilepsy. Considering these disorders, there are already over 1.6 and 4 million sufferers that can benefit in Hong Kong and Taiwan, respectively.

With novel bioelectrical medicines, our devices connect wirelessly to the patient’s smart device for medical analytics, giving better support and improving medical treatment decisions by physicians. The portable medical device system provides a powerful platform for up-to-date analysis of health data and treatment routines, towards truly improving healthcare.

Supported with >10 years medical research, there is now tremendous potential across Asia. Neuropix (Cyberport based company) with our world experts are leading the way, using the medical treatment in cases in major hospitals in Hong Kong & Taiwan. Neuropix is also set to lead the expansion to new treatment pipelines for aging-diseases, including use for Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, for the very vulnerable elderly population that will reach 400 million in China alone by 2040.

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iStartup@HK, a one-stop platform run by Cyberport, is designed to connect tech start-ups to investors and users seeking innovative solutions. Through this virtual-pitching channel, tech companies can showcase their profile and products to attract funding and expand their business footprint.

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