GARLICAN provides user generated Botfolio on stocks, futures and options on different market.
Traditionally, Bot-folio is not for common traders but for advanced portfolio manager. Asset management with bots is costly, sometime tech-savvy and mysterious. It can only be implemented with lots of initial investment or by corporations.
To make a change on the above situation, we aim to lower the entry level of asset management with Bots and make it available to every single trader.
Our definition
A trading portfolio combines with bots. Bots will automatically track for the best timing and the best products to purchase. What you have to do is to program once and provide orders to the bots.
Trading Bot
A Single strategy created to spot targeted markets or watchlist. Bots are programmed to execute your orders.
A python syntaxed language combined with Trader’s Logic. It is a simplified python. GYTHON is used to program your trading bots.